
Cleaning Up Carpet After Pets

Store-bought or homemade remedies for pet stain and smell removal from carpets generally don’t penetrate deeply enough in carpets. Cleaning pet urine from carpet using these tools can be a long frustrating process. Even when you think its done in a few days the smell can come back because the scrubbing doesn’t penetrate into the carpet padding, and in fact makes the problem worse by forcing the urine further down into the carpet. To remove pet urine smell you have penetrate into the carpet without driving the problem deeper.

Eventually after several carpet cleaning attempts using different products you may find a combination that appears to work, but forcing the urine so deep into the carpet that you can’t smell it as strongly can actually cause more problems. This is because some of the urine still remains, encouraging the growth of bacteria. Later when you vacuum you then blow these germs into the air.

The solution is a deep cleaning with an environmentally friendly hot water extraction cleaning.

Go here to learn more.

Hot Water Extraction Cleaning Environmentally Friendly

If you’re looking for green tips for cleaning up after pets, this method is one of the most friendly. All of our cleaning agents are biodegradable and hypoallergenic as stated in the Material Safety Data Sheets on every product.
Read more about how friendly our carpet cleaning is.

Road Chemicals Are Dangerous

Keeping your carpet clean during a Minnesota winter can be a lot more important than you might think.
In particular, road de-icing chemicals are a health and safety hazard waiting to happen.
The dust from magnesium chloride, one of the road de-icing agents used by the MDOT, has been cited in articles as a cause of electrical arcing on electrical systems and wiring failures on trucks. In home and office environments this chemical and others can blow into the air where it can settle on electrical components or be sucked in by computer fans, potentially causing failure.
Another de-icing chemical, potassium acetate, can cause serious health and safety issues.

Read more about these and other topics here.

Keep your carpets clean and safe with regular steam cleaning.

Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

According to the Mayo Clinic cold or flu germs can live outside of the body anywhere from a few minutes to 48 hours or more. Germ droplets from a sneeze or cough can be deposited on a hard surface like stainless steel, plastic or wood and stay active longer than germs on fabric, carpet and other soft surfaces.

A handshake is the most common way to catch a cold or the flu, but there are many other ways of catching a cold or flu, including touching a surface that an infected person touched and then wiping your nose, rubbing your eyes, biting your nails or eating something without washing your hands.

The easiest way to prevent catching germs are frequent hand washing with soap and water and using an alcohol based sanitizer.

Let us know if we can help keep your carpet germ free and healthy for your family and guests – Commercial Steam Team 952-224-7222.

Winter Carpet Care for Facilities Managers

Now that it is cold outside more people are catching colds, the flu and viruses. If you manage a commercial building where many people visit every day such as a medical building, school or daycare it is important to steam clean carpet in the building to kill bacteria and germs to keep visitor and employees of the building healthy.

By regularly steam cleaning commercial carpets you also prevent the buildup of dirt and smells.

Thinking of having your commercial carpet cleaned? Give us a call for a free estimate and ask about our after business hours scheduling. Yes, we clean carpets at night when it’s more convenient for you at no extra charge.

Commercial Steam Team 952-224-7222.

Making Fleas Flee

Fleas are an annoying and dangerous pest that can make life miserable. Not only can they be difficult to get rid of, but in some cases the cures can seem almost as bad as the problem. Of course, since fleas carry a number of diseases such as typhus; pneumonic, septicemic, and bubonic plagues; spotted fever; bacteremia; endocarditis; bacillary angiomatosis; and peliosis hepatis, as well as being a carrier for the Hymenolepiasis tapeworm, getting rid of them is a priority.

Fleas are often brought into the home on a pet and they rapidly set up housekeeping. Within 10 minutes they can decide to infest other animals and people, and then it can be no time until a full epidemic is underway.

Most treatment strategies involve insecticides, which should immediately inspire you to caution, since insecticides are generally neurotoxins, which means they attack the brain and central nervous system. This can be especially problematic in households with pregnant mothers and children.

For other treatments, including some that are non-toxic, read our article on What’s Living In Your Carpet?

Are You Under Attack By Carpet Beetles?

Carpet beetles are an often overlooked pest that can cause a range of problems.

The greatest impact that carpet beetles have is on products of animal origin such as furs, woolens, and feathers. Overall, in most cases they are much more common and more damaging to fabrics than clothes moths.

Carpet beetles also can infest dried food products in your pantry. They are generally less damaging than many other pests in this area because they reproduce slowly (about one generation per year), they can nevertheless be a recurring problem since annual migrations can bring them back year after year.

Carpet beetles can also cause red bite-like welts on your skin. Since the beetles are attracted to the carbon dioxide that we exhale, they are often found in beds, particularly feather pillows. Unlike bed bugs, carpet beetles do not bite. The reason for the welts is that some people are allergic to carpet beetles. In particular, the long hairs on carpet beetle larvae can penetrate into the skin and trigger the allergic reaction. These hairs can even go through fabric. If other people live in your house and they are not experiencing these welts, this is a good indication that the problem could be carpet beetles rather than bed bugs, since bed bugs would tend to bite everyone indiscriminately.


  • Discard clothing items that have been heavily damaged
  • Wash clothing in hot soapy water
  • Steam clean your carpets

For more information on pests that can live in your carpet, read our article on What’s Living In Your Carpet?

How to Vacuum Litter

Start by using the hose with the corner attachment. This will give you the highest suction power possible. Hover over the area to be cleaned to pull up as much material as possible. (Avoiding contact with the carpet will avoid driving the litter deeper into the carpet.)

Do not use the broom or brush attachment, since these will also drive the litter deeper into the carpet. Similarly, a hand vacuum is to be avoided if possible.

When done, apply a carpet deodorizer so that the kitty won’t decide that this is a new litter box.

If your cat does decide to use the floor as a litter box, give us a call so that we can get out those deep-rooted smells!

For more information on cat litter and your carpet, read our article!

Time to Get Rid of the Winter Buildup

After a long hard winter there are many things in your carpet. Food spills, skin cells, pet detritus, and de-icers are only the tip of the iceberg. This is quite literally true, because most of the damage is hiding invisibly down among the fibers of your carpet, down where it can feed mites and bacteria, creating health hazards and bad smells that you probably don’t even notice by now. Trust me, people that don’t experience your carpet every day can notice those smells.

A deep extraction steam cleaning is the diagnosis for this condition of winter yuck buildup. Steam cleaning will flush out those contaminants and leave your carpet fresh and clean.

In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to take care of the worst of spills without damaging your carpet. See our article on Carpet Stain Removal to learn more, but remember that the longer a stain lies on and in your carpet the more likely it is to become permanent.

Call Commercial Steam Team today at 952-224-7222 to see how we can help make your carpet clean and fresh!

Pet Odor Removal

Dogs and cats can bring such joy into your family and also some of the most difficult carpet odor, hair and stain problems.  We train our pets to behave indoors but occasionally there are accidents which have us looking for how to remove dog odor from carpet and asking, how do I get urine smell out of carpet?

There are many methods of pet odor removal and getting cat urine out of carpet so choosing the right carpet pet odor removal is important. For instance using ammonia when you are getting cat urine out of carpet only encourages the cat to urinate in that spot again. Ammonia is already in urine so you would not want to make this spot smell familiar by using more ammonia. There are many home remedies and products being sold that simply just don’t work.

When a cat or dog urinates on your carpet it’s best to act fast with an absorbent cotton cloth like a towel or if you are in a hurry a wad of paper towels. Wad up the towel and step on it to absorb as much liquid as possible change towels until there is no more liquid being absorbed. Next mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar to rinse the area so it penetrates to the fibers. Take a clean colorless towel or rag and blot out all the liquid until dry. Changing rags when they get wet will help soak up the spill quicker and prevent it from getting moldy when it dries.

Pet hair removers for the carpet such as a rubber fur removal brush sweeps pet hair away and can keep the majority of hair off furniture and carpets but it does not get it all off. Cat hair or longer dog hair is resistant to lint brushes so they do not work as well as a big piece of duct tape. Take a piece of duct tape and wind it around your hand and use it like a lint brush. You have heard that duct tape sticks to anything and it is the best quick hair removal tool. Pet hair has oil and dander on it and can cause odor if left unattended. By removing pet hair from furniture with a brush and by vacuuming carpet frequently you can keep carpet smelling cleaner.

The best way to remove pet odor and stains from pet urine is with a professional carpet cleaning from Commercial Steam Team. Call us today at 952-224-7222 to learn more!

Pet Owners – How To Cut Back on Litter

kittysmCats can be a joy and a comfort, and unfortunately they can also be a problem on occasion. One such occasion is when they track litter around the home or office.

Litter that is no longer ‘fresh out of the box’ is as we know not very sanitary, and having that spread around is not good. Clumping cat litter in particular is very trackable. Litter can spread germs and smells, and if enough builds up can be an inspiration to start a new kitty bathroom. Besides, it hurts to walk on litter in bare feet.

A quick solution for reducing most of this litter problem is simply to have a carpet remnant or sample on the approach to and under the litter box. These remnants are much easier to clean. (Just take them outside and shake and beat them out.) A medium length cut pile carpet is generally best for this purpose.

For more ideas on controlling litter issues, visit our page on Cat Litter and Carpet.

Prevent Problems With Cat Litter in Carpet

cat on carpet cleaningThe simplest way to keep your kitty from tracking dirty cat litter into your carpet is to change the litter frequently. Once a cat’s litter becomes dirty the clumps may stick to their fur or between their toes and be tracked throughout the house.

To further minimize the spread of litter, place small carpet remnants or carpet samples under and around the litter box for at least a three foot distance. Whenever these carpet pieces become dirty with litter take them outside and shake and beat them out, or if this is not possible, then vacuum these pieces frequently.

For more great ideas read this article on keeping litter out of your carpet.

For the best in pet safe carpet cleaning call Commercial Steam Team today at 952-224-7222

How often should you clean your carpet?

Fiber producers and carpet manufacturers recommend that a residential carpet should be professionally cleaned at least every 6 to 12 months for best performance.  Soil that is not removed from the carpeting cuts and slices on the carpet fibers, breaking down the carpet yarn. The result is that even with restorative cleaning, it won’t correct the damage that has been carried out to the fiber.

If you are someone who has heard the phrase “Wait as long as you can prior to having your carpets cleaned..” or “Once you’ve cleaned your carpet, it’s never the same..”, these comments are a result of carpet cleaners that have left  the carpet  with an overload of detergent residue and heavy oils, that do not get completely extracted with some cleaning systems.  As a result, the new dirt is attracted back to the ‘old dirt’ and heavy oils that were brought to the surface during the cleaning process.  Once you walk around in the space for a few weeks, the carpet looks dirty again because the new dirt is attracted back to the old dirt.

In conclusion, carpet that is cleaned properly, every 6 to 12 months, will last longer and be healthier for the environment of your home.

Mold Allergies and Carpet

Mold is present in most places indoors and outdoors and particularly grows where it can find organic food sources and in moist dark places. Carpet can hold material that mold likes to eat so it is important to keep your carpet clean.

Mold is a fungus that breaks down dead organic material. Mold lives by digesting organic plant or animal materials such as leaves, wood, paper, dirt, food and urine. It spreads by releasing mold spores in the air seeking new materials to feed on.

Carpet spills that are organic such as food, pet urine and backed up drains can cause mold to settle and feed on the organic matter making your carpet smell and stain from the fungus. Allergy sufferers need to pay particular attention to getting any spills cleaned up off of carpet immediately before the carpet fibers absorb the organic matter.

Scheduled regular carpet cleaning can help remove any built up debris and remove mold spores from your carpet.

Call us today to ask about how we can help keep your carpet mold and fungus free – Call Commercial Steam Team 952-224-7222

Top 5 Germ Places

Microbiologists have identified the top 5 places in the home that have the highest number of germs.
• Dish sponges
• Kitchen Drains
• Bathroom Toilets
• Kitchen Trash Cans
• Air exhaust from a running vacuum cleaner

To prevent germs from being blown back into the air while vacuuming make sure your vacuum cleaner is working efficiently, change the bag often and schedule regular cleanings.

Give us a call if we can help with your carpet – Commercial Steam Clean 952-224-7222

Fall Leaves and Boot Trays

Many people think that winter and spring are the seasons that can result in the most damage to your carpet. Autumn completely falls under the radar, yet fall can set the stage for mold and mildew growth throughout the winter.

Dry fallen leaves are easily crushed by shoes and the resulting small debris and dust then get tracked indoors where they can make their home in your carpet.

If autumn leaves and decomposing material along with dirt and dust have gotten tracked into your carpet you may be providing fuel for mold and fungus growth. Your shoes can track organic material onto your carpet along with mold and setup a perfect breeding ground to feast on. To prevent material from being tracked in, remove shoes before walking on the carpet and install runners or mats at the doorway entrance to collect dirt and debris.

Boot trays are a great way to store dirty shoes to avoid getting debris and water on carpet. Boot trays come in many colors styles and prices ranging from $8 for plastic trays to $68 designer steel boot trays.

Call us today at 952-224-7222 so we can help you have a mold-free winter!

Cleaning Up Carpet After Kids and Pets

If you have a pet or kids you can expect accidental stains on your carpets every so often. There are many homemade remedies for pet stain removal but they don’t get down into the carpet or are ineffective in other ways, and that can leave a source for bacteria, dust mites, and other things to feed on and grow.

Isn’t it good to know your carpet can be cleaned with a hot water extraction cleaning from Commercial Steam Team!

Learn more about cleaning up after pets.

Please give us a call if you have a carpet that needs special attention 952-224-7222 Commercial Steam Team – Your Carpet Cleaning Experts in Minneapolis and St Paul, Minnesota!

Carpets Trap Allergens

Here in Burnsville Minnesota we’re finally past the high pollen season where the trees dump vast amounts of yellow pollen into the air and it gets on everything. Pollen is most visible on smooth surfaces outside such as your car or the furniture on the deck. We find ourselves coated in the stuff when we go outside and coincidentally when we come inside it comes inside too. Pollen is on our clothes and shoes and is collected by our carpets.

Carpets act like a trap collecting allergens like pollen, dust, dirt, pet dander and many of the things that are in the air. Carpets act like a filter in our home, they trap particles and hold them until carpets are vacuumed and steam cleaned.

Click here to see the CNN video about common causes of indoor allergies.

With the kids out of school and spending more time at home it’s a good time to steam clean your carpets and remove the buildup of allergens and improve indoor air quality.

We can help you remove all those allergens from you carpet making a cleaner indoor environment for your family.  Call us at 952-891-3022.

Indoor Air Quality and Your Carpet

According to the American Lung Association, carpet can act as a “sink” for chemical and biological pollutants including pesticides, dust mites, and fungi. This means that whenever you interact with you carpet by walking or otherwise having contact with it, you can disturb these contaminants and cause them to re-enter the air where they can be inhaled. The best solution for this problem is scheduled cleaning with an environmentally-safe service that removes the contaminants from your carpet without aerating them. Commercial Steam Team is your reliable provider for this service.

Why Should Your Facility Go Green?

According to Green Seal, there are several benefits to “Going Green”:

            Green Cleaning Helps Occupants Stay Healthy

? A clear link has been shown between poor indoor air quality and poor worker performance

? Many respiratory illnesses are caused by or aggravated by polluted indoor air

Green Cleaning Protects the Health of Custodial Staff

? Usage of safer products helps reduce injuries, decrease Workers’ Compensation claims and lower insurance costs

Green Cleaning Increases the Lifespan of Facilities

? Proper maintenance extends the longevity and performance of materials and furnishings

Green Cleaning Preserves the Environment

? The cleaning industry currently consumes six billion pounds of chemicals


All of these things also save money both directly and indirectly.