The Commercial Steam Team Carpet Cleaning Process

In 2003, my family and I started a carpet cleaning company called Commercial Steam Team. Having already been in the industry for years, we had enough experience to implement only what worked and abandon what did not.


One of the most important experiences I had cleaning carpets prior to starting our company was the knowledge that I would be bathing in our cleaning solutions 12 hours or more a day, 6 to 7 days a week. 

My exposure to the chemicals we used would be great.

For this reason, it was very important for me to research the safest methods to clean carpets. These methods needed to work well, but also needed to be non-toxic, hypo-allergenic, baby, kid, people, and pet-friendly, bio-degradable, and non-residue. The way I looked at it, if it was safe for me and my family, then it would be safe for those with far less exposure than we would have.

One way we were able to keep our products safe was by using top-of-the-line equipment. Yes, the Hydramaster 4.8 CDS Direct Drive System is more expensive for us to buy than most of its competitors, but we know it is worth the cost. The extra horsepower and heat we produce means we can produce better results with safer products. We can get the carpet more dry with this equipment which results in shorter dry times and fewer reoccurring stains.


Of course, the most important part of our cleaning process is our people. We never have and never will forget that. From apprenticeship style training through two-man teams, to our profit sharing at the end of the year, we find, train, and keep the best people with little to no turnover. I am proud of and proud to work with every member of our team. They are the best part of our process and will always ensure our clients get the best possible job.

Photo By: BD Portraits   Written By: Ryan Zakariasen